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Elite Force
Figures - WW II Assortment
Manufacturer bbi
Line Elite Force
Figure Size Doll 12" ( GI Joe, Mego, Star Trek, Star Wars)
Items in Assortment
101st Airborne Corporal Bud Norris
101st Medic First Sergeant Will Bailey
12th Waffen SS Panzer Rifleman - Corp W Feigel
21st Panzer Division Gunner '"Corp Franz Haas"
2nd British Commando Unit "Private Robert James"
5th US Army Rangers 'Sergeant Hoppy Bell'
Australian Corporal Paddy Ryan
British Army Commando - Peter Keyes
British Paratrooper - Sgt. Neil Williams
British Sergeant Harry Sinclair
DAK Motorcycle Recon - Johan Jergens
DAK Mountain Troops - Rudi Kessling
German F-J Oberfreiter
German F-J Obersleutnant
German Panzer Grenadier "G Dieter Voss"
Imperial Japanese Navy - Yamamoto Ichiro
Imperial Japanese Navy Japanese Pilot 'Lt. Sakae'
Japanese Army Officer 'Saburo Nakagawa'
Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot "Major Ernst Wagner"
North Africa Luftwaffe - Otto Schulz
RAF Fighter Pilot "Squadron Leader Keith Gordon"
RAF Flight Lieutenant Donald Moore
US 101st Airborne LE1000
US Army Bazooka Lefty McGill
US Army First Infantry Division 'Chuck Hayes'
US Army Mortar - Corporal Red Parker
US Army Radio Operator
US Marine Corp "Sergeant Dusty Rhodes"
US Pilot 'Doc Miller'
101st Airborne Corporal Bud Norris
101st Medic First Sergeant Will Bailey
12th Waffen SS Panzer Rifleman - Corp W Feigel
21st Panzer Division Gunner '"Corp Franz Haas"
2nd British Commando Unit "Private Robert James"
5th US Army Rangers 'Sergeant Hoppy Bell'
Australian Corporal Paddy Ryan
British Army Commando - Peter Keyes
British Paratrooper - Sgt. Neil Williams
British Sergeant Harry Sinclair
DAK Motorcycle Recon - Johan Jergens
DAK Mountain Troops - Rudi Kessling
German F-J Oberfreiter
German F-J Obersleutnant
German Panzer Grenadier "G Dieter Voss"
Imperial Japanese Navy - Yamamoto Ichiro
Imperial Japanese Navy Japanese Pilot 'Lt. Sakae'
Japanese Army Officer 'Saburo Nakagawa'
Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot "Major Ernst Wagner"
North Africa Luftwaffe - Otto Schulz
RAF Fighter Pilot "Squadron Leader Keith Gordon"
RAF Flight Lieutenant Donald Moore
US 101st Airborne LE1000
US Army Bazooka Lefty McGill
US Army First Infantry Division 'Chuck Hayes'
US Army Mortar - Corporal Red Parker
US Army Radio Operator
US Marine Corp "Sergeant Dusty Rhodes"
US Pilot 'Doc Miller'

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