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Toylines (alphabetical order)
Aliens (1992)
Aliens Hive Wars (1998)
Apollo 13 (1995)
Battle Brawlers (1986)
Beast Wars (1996)
Beetlejuice - The movie (1989)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991)
Bionic Woman, The (1976)
Bone Age (1988)
Butch and Sundance (1979)
Capitol Critters (1992)
Captain Planet (and the Planeteers) (1991)
Carzillas (1993)
Centurions Powerxtreme (1986)
Chuck Norris (1986)
Congo (1995)
DC Comics Super Heroes (1998)
DragonHeart (1995)
Gargoyles (1995)
Ghostbusters, The Real (1987)
Glamour Gals (1981)
Hardy Boys (1978)
History of [Collections] (1996)
Indiana Jones, The Adventures Of (1982)
JLA (Justice League of America) (1998)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park: The Lost World (1997)
Knight Rider (1983)
Li’l Loggers (1982)
MASK (1985)
MASK, The (1995)
Mega Force (1989)
Mummies Alive! (1997)
Official Scout High Adventure (1974)
Police Academy (1989)
Predator (1994)
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders (1985)
Rat Fink and the Rad Rods (1990)
Robin Hood (1991)
Robocop (1988)
Shadow Strikers (1990)
Shadow, The (1994)
Shaq Attaq (1993)
Silverhawks (1987)
Six Million Dollar Man, The (1975)
Sky Commanders (1987)
Starla & the Jewel Riders (1985)
Steel (1997)
Super Powers Colllection [DC] (1984)
Superman (from the Animated Show) (1996)
Superman Man of Steel (1995)
Swamp Thing (1990)
Techno-Zoids (1994)
Terminator 2 (1991)
Terminator 2 Future War (1993)
Terminator 2 T2-3D (1997)
Total Justice (1996)
Vor-Tech (1996)
VR Troopers (1994)
Waterworld (1995)
Toylines (chronological order)
1974 Official Scout High Adventure
1975 Six Million Dollar Man, The
1976 Bionic Woman, The
1978 Hardy Boys
1979 Butch and Sundance
1981 Glamour Gals
1982 Indiana Jones, The Adventures Of
1982 Li’l Loggers
1983 Knight Rider
1984 Super Powers Colllection [DC]
1985 MASK
1985 Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders
1985 Starla & the Jewel Riders
1986 Battle Brawlers
1986 Centurions Powerxtreme
1986 Chuck Norris
1987 Ghostbusters, The Real
1987 Silverhawks
1987 Sky Commanders
1988 Bone Age
1988 Robocop
1989 Beetlejuice - The movie
1989 Mega Force
1989 Police Academy
1990 Rat Fink and the Rad Rods
1990 Shadow Strikers
1990 Swamp Thing
1991 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
1991 Captain Planet (and the Planeteers)
1991 Robin Hood
1991 Terminator 2
1992 Aliens
1992 Capitol Critters
1993 Carzillas
1993 Jurassic Park
1993 Shaq Attaq
1993 Terminator 2 Future War
1994 Predator
1994 Shadow, The
1994 Techno-Zoids
1994 VR Troopers
1995 Apollo 13
1995 Congo
1995 DragonHeart
1995 Gargoyles
1995 MASK, The
1995 Superman Man of Steel
1995 Waterworld
1996 Beast Wars
1996 History of [Collections]
1996 Superman (from the Animated Show)
1996 Total Justice
1996 Vor-Tech
1997 Jurassic Park: The Lost World
1997 Mummies Alive!
1997 Steel
1997 Terminator 2 T2-3D
1998 Aliens Hive Wars
1998 DC Comics Super Heroes
1998 JLA (Justice League of America)
Company history
About Kenner.    
1947: Kenner Products is formed in Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Steiner brothers, Albert, Philip and Joseph. The company is named after its original office location on Kenner Street.
1963: Kenner Products introduces Easy-Bake Oven.
1966: Kenner Products introduces Spirograph design toys.
1967: General Mills purchases Kenner Products
1977: Kenner Products negotiates license for Star Wars property, which goes on to become the companyes most powerful toy success.
1980: Kenner Products introduces Strawberry Shortcake mini-dolls.
1987: Tonka acquires Kenner Parker Toys Inc. Tonka establishes four operating divisions: Kenner Products, Parker Brothers and Tonka Products serving the U.S. and Tonka International.
1991: When Tonka (including Kenner Products and Parker Brothers) is purchased by Hasbro, Inc., Kenner becomes a division of the largest toy company in the world.
1993: Philip Steiner, one of Kenner es founders, passed away in November at the age of 82.
2000: Hasbro announces it will shut its Cincinnati operations, ending 53 years of Kenner history.
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The Action Figure Archive Kenner Capitol Critters - Muggle Rat 6.5 inch 1992
manufacturer: Kenner
brand: Capitol Critters
product:Muggle Rat
your price: $31.05 (shipping incl)
31.05 (shipping incl) 5428-3178CCCGFC expires in 294 days